Zeljko Derusek and Deze Galus have created footballey more than 20 years ago and they want it to become a global sport, because footballey has the potential for it.

This game is based on football, top technique and fitness, with rules very similar to tennis. Two globally popular sports, football and tennis, combined into one – footballey.

We plan building two more courts in Backo Petrovo Selo. Good weather allows us to play 4-5 matches a week. Reports, photos and footage will be published online, on Facebook and You Tube channel and traditionally we have a public tournament in June.

Besides Derusek and Galus, new members have joined lately, Danijel Stanojev, Igor Jovanovic and some new kids interested in footballey.

We play this game over 20 years and during this time the rules have been defined and explained on this web page.

Galus Deze, aka. Sep Majer is the oldest player (1961.) and Zeljko Derusek (1966.) is his long time partner in this game.

The game is played through the whole year except in strong rain, wind or snow.

Footballey is suitable for both active and former soccer players as well as for those who play it recreationally.
We organise promotions, trainings and competition.

You play sets of 11 points, and matches are the best of two or the best of three sets. The ball has a maximum of one bounce, if necessary. Each player has a maximum of one contact with the ball to return it over the net with the use of legs, chest or head. Footballey requires great skill and playing techniques, with the use of head and legs.

During the match, when the ball goes over the net, it’s a point, like in tennis. Serves are switched after 5 points, and if the score is tied at 10:10, to break the tie, someone must win two points in a row and then you serve alternatively. The lines on the court are painted white, to make the trail of the ball visible.

There are various playing tactics and kicks, very similar to tennis.

There is footage of our games with lots of attractive moves, on our Facebook and You Tube channel.